Our charity and industry partnerships

Our partnerships with charities and industry are an important part of making Our Future Health a success, including providing part of the funding needed to set up and deliver the programme.

Partnerships contribute to our mission of helping people live healthier lives for longer. We work with our partners to maximise the value of Our Future Health for research in the public interest. 

Charities and life sciences companies have expertise in discovering, developing and producing new tests and methods for improving the prevention, early detection and treatment of disease. By joining forces with leading charities and companies across a range of diseases, Our Future Health is able to reach a wider range of research expertise. The insights and expertise our partners provide help shape the scientific and technological goals and requirements of our programme as we progress. 

The charities we work with have strong existing relationships with the public. Our partnerships with these charities help us engage with people to build the trust, confidence and understanding needed to meet our ambition of five million volunteers. 

Who are our partners and how do we work with them?

You can see a full list of our charity partners here, a list of our founding industry members here, and our sports partners here

For additional information on how we work with our charity and industry partners, read about how we’re governed

Interested in partnering with us? 

For opportunities to partner with Our Future Health, email us at partnerships@ourfuturehealth.org.uk

Why volunteers choose to join Our Future Health

Our research programme needs millions of people to come together and help future generations live healthier lives for longer. In this article, members of the public discuss their personal reasons for signing up.

Read these volunteers’ storiesLearn more about taking part